道德 & 组织行为学硕士.S.

a group of students sitting in a classroom listening to a lecture

批判性思维的先锋, 道德的辩论, 对真理的追寻, 领导, and the respectful engagement of controversial topics affecting organizations around the world.

凯瑟琳T. 麦克阿瑟学校






一般是公共广场, 尤其是组织领导者, 迫切需要能够参与的批判性思考者, 理解, and solve morally problematic and challenging issues within the pluralistic and global society in which we live. This program seeks to develop our students’ abilities to critically analyze 理论 and argument, 识别经常隐藏的哲学假设, 找出论证中的逻辑谬误, 找到真理和智慧, and develop cogent and innovative solutions as unique problem solvers.

We encourage the engagement of philosophy as related to 理论 and practice not to simply 理解, 而是要把错误分离出来, 了解相关问题, 为了个人的利益而寻求真理, 这个组织和我们的全球社区. 我们不寻求仅仅“教导”我们的学生. 而不是, 我们的重点是鼓励他们以新的方式思考, 批判性地评估研究和相关问题, and to think freely for themselves with an appreciation for the bias we all carry with us each day.

M.S. 在道德 & Organizational Behavior at PBA is a rigorous program focused in philosophy and 理论 as related to relevant organizational and societal issues. Our faculty are well respected as academicians and aim at nothing less than developing critical thinkers who will pioneer change and help make organizations, 社会, 让世界变得更美好.


核心能力 & 研究议程



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  • M.S. Degree with a Certificate of Graduate Studies in 领导 is flexible for individual life circumstances and can be completed in 12 or 24 months.
  • Students can enter the program during any sub-term throughout the year.
  • Learning culminates with a Capstone Project or Thesis, which is up to the student.
  • Focuses on the full spectrum of human beliefs, 的态度, 意图, and behaviors.
  • Students can attend any class either in-person or asynchronously online.
  • 学生可以按照自己的节奏参加全日制或非全日制课程.
  • Students can tailor their learning and research to their own unique interests.
  • Offers opportunities to partner with faculty in research endeavors and present at conferences and publish books or articles.

  • 行政领导和高级管理
  • 道德、合规和监管事务
  • 公共政策研究 & 智库
  • 国际事务中 & 人道主义问题
  • 医疗管理 & 生物伦理学
  • 管理 & 组织咨询
  • 非营利组织和社会正义倡议
  • 为博士或其他最终学位做准备

All Sections Offered Each Year Both Online and In-person Each Sub-Term Listed with the Number of Credit Hours(cr.) and courses listed in bold are required to obtain the Certificate of Graduate Studies in 领导:

EOB 5013 -组织领导概念 & 理论(夏季A学期3学分.)
This course provides a foundational exploration of organizational 领导 studies including definitions, 理论, 概念, 和实践. Students will examine the history of 领导 thought and 理解 how 领导 理论 has evolved over time. Students will synthesize key 概念 of effective 领导 that enhance the organization while assessing the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary 领导 理论. Students will enhance their academic writing by applying their research to synthesize logical arguments through critical thinking and writing expected at the graduate level.
EOB 5003 -组织行为学(夏季B学期3cr.)
This course draws on insights from 理论 and practice to better 理解 how beliefs, 的态度, 意图, 个人的行为会影响组织. The psychological foundations of group formation and interdependent relationship-building will be explored. 个人信念和动机的理论, 群体决策, 冲突管理, 将探讨群体的形成和行为. Students will apply related psychological theories to synthesize arguments and further their graduate level research.
EOB 5123 – Biblical 领导 in Pluralistic Organizations (Fall A Term 3cr.)
This interdisciplinary course explores biblical texts to discover issues related to current organizational 理论 and practice with a view toward 理解ing 领导 in various modern pluralistic contexts. Attention will be given to biblical metaphors and themes that will help shape a better 理解ing of contemporary organizational challenges involving individuals that hold to differing worldviews and philosophies of life.

EOB 5063 – Leading Organizational Behavioral Change (Fall A Term 3cr.)
EOB 5053 – Strategic 领导 and Planning (Fall B Term 3cr.)
EOB 5133 -人力资源开发(秋季B学期3cr.)
EOB 5023 -社会科学哲学(春季A学期3cr.)
EOB 5033 -伦理学史(春季A学期3cr.)
EOB 5113 – Philosophy of Moral 领导 (Spring B Term 3cr.)
EOB 5093 -研究论文(任何学期,经批准.)
EOB 5001 – Research Thesis Continued as Needed (Continuation Term 1cr.)
EOB 5011 – Research Thesis Continued as Needed (Second Continuation Term 1cr.)

注:有意攻读博士学位的学生.D. (especially in the social sciences as opposed the humanities) are recommended to take BUS 5043 – Quantitative Methods during their matriculation in the M.S.


凯瑟琳T. 麦克阿瑟学校

凯瑟琳T. 麦克阿瑟学校 will empower you to bring positive change to the world. You’ll take part in a multi-dimensional approach to learning, 探索如何有效地进行智力领导, 无论是在本地还是全球,精神上和专业上都是如此.

凯瑟琳T. 麦克阿瑟学校

组织领导力,B类.S. (在线)

Earning your bachelor’s degree in Organizational 领导 ONLINE through the 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您’s 凯瑟琳T. 麦克阿瑟学校 will give you a competitive edge in today’s challenging employment arena.

组织领导力,B类.S. (在线)



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弗雷德里克·M. 晚餐荣誉课程 exists to passionately cultivate the Faith, 字符, 和智慧是过上美好生活所必需的.



The philosophy major challenges undergraduates to think with greater clarity, 创造力和自信. This program equips students with core skills essential for critical reading and the clear, 条理清晰的思想表达.


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